X-Rays is an Action-Adventure Dystopian RPG, aiming to combine the thrill of survival with the curiosity, innate in everyone, to explore and interact with various characters throughout the journey. Set in a fictional time epoch in which the earth is still recovering from its first global nuclear conflict, players take control of ten survivors, originally prisoners, sent to earth as "human probes," who must uncover the conspiracies behind all that has happened and the devastated world in which they must now live. For years and years, the human race has had to fight and survive in a space station, but without knowing what would await them on their homeland: genetically modified plants, animals and humans now turned monsters are ready to endanger "The 10" and change their lives completely.

Disclaimer: The music and some sprites used in this project is not created by the team. All rights to the music and sprites belong to the original artists and copyright holders. This project is for non-commercial purposes only, and no profit is being made from its use. Full credit for the music and sprites is given to the respective creators. If any copyright owner has an issue with the use of their work, please contact me, and I will remove it immediately.


Build.zip 127 MB

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